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I live life in forward motion by never losing my internal fire to better the world around me. There are good days and bad days- But it's important to continue to surround myself with like-minded people and remain positive, vulnerable and true to myself. Living life in forward motion has been present -more than ever- in my life since I took on the Retail space in January- I'm so excited to see what the future holds and where we venture next!
What are your 3 favorite pairs of Blenders?
How you live life in forward motion?
I live my life in forward motion by taking on challenges and fears that come my way as an opportunity to learn and grow. I remind myself that hard times are only temporary and to enjoy each experience that comes my way and value the people around me. Our world is forever changing and moving forward so we should too!
What are your 3 favorite pairs of Blenders?
We kinda kick ass here. Want to know more about us? Meet the awesome duo behind our retail team, Karisa and Ashley:
Blenders: How do you live life in forward motion?
I live life in forward motion by never losing my internal fire to better the world around me. There are good days and bad days- But it's important to continue to surround myself with like-minded people and remain positive, vulnerable and true to myself. Living life in forward motion has been present -more than ever- in my life since I took on the Retail space in January- I'm so excited to see what the future holds and where we venture next!
What are your 3 favorite pairs of Blenders?
- Modern Architect - Cardiff
- Bonfire Rising - M Class x2
- ... The Romeo Collection (Stay Tuned!)

How you live life in forward motion?
I live my life in forward motion by taking on challenges and fears that come my way as an opportunity to learn and grow. I remind myself that hard times are only temporary and to enjoy each experience that comes my way and value the people around me. Our world is forever changing and moving forward so we should too!
What are your 3 favorite pairs of Blenders?
- Millenia Nocturnal Q
- Hex Whiskey Shiner
- North Park Purple Friday